BLACK HISTORY MONTH featuring: Hazel I Jackson


Hazel I Jackson , a native of South Carolina, earned a bachelor’s degree in secondary English education from South Carolina State College and a master’s of education degree from Temple University.  She did post-graduate work at Delaware University.    Prior to moving to Lancaster in 1952, she taught four years in the public schools of South Carolina. 

In 1961, Lancaster Sertoma Club began a mission to help African-Americans who had been deprived of job opportunities to get into their qualified fields.  Every time she applied for a teaching postiion, she had to supply a picture along with the application, so school boards knew she was African-American.   She was rejected 12 times–“not because of her credentials.”  But, she didn’t let that stop her.  It just inspired her to work harder to get a foot in the door as a subsitute teacher.  Eventually, she was hired as an English teacher  for seventh and eighth…

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We are all wounded people. Who wounds us? Often those whom we love and those who love us. When we feel rejected, abandoned, abused, manipulated, or violated, it is mostly by people very close to us: our parents, our friends, our spouses, our lovers, our children, our neighbors, our teachers, our pastors. Those who love us wound us too. That’s the tragedy of our lives. This is what makes forgiveness from the heart so difficult. It is precisely our hearts that are wounded. We cry out, ‘You, who I expected to be there for me, you have abandoned me. How can I ever forgive you for that?’

Forgiveness often seems impossible, but nothing is impossible for God. The God who lives within us will give us the grace to go beyond our wounded selves and say, ‘In the Name of God you are forgiven.’ Let’s pray for that grace.  ~Henri Nouwen

The young whipper snapper who cuts you off on your morning commute causing you to spill your hot coffee all over your shirt and tie may make you mad as one of Michael Vick’s former pit bulls, but the rude driver isn’t very likely to hurt you.  It’s those closest to us who we must learn to forgive most, we might as well get used to it.

God gives us no seasonal permits or hunting licenses to hold grudges and resentment towards one another. You might say “There are just some things that are impossible to forgive,” and maybe there are, without God.  All things are possible with him.  And if it were the case, that some things can’t be forgiven, don’t you think God would have spelled that out in his letters to us from home?

A musician friend named Link gave me a lift from the airport a couple years back while I was scratching and clawing to survive in Nashville (at the time, I was still very much on the heels of my recent divorce).  He picked me up in his slightly used black Land Rover he’d just purchased.  He couldn’t help but show it off as he had every reason to; it was a nice ride and he bought it for a song and dance.

We ended up having a good conversation during our short trip.  As it turned out, the conversation turned to forgiveness (which had me feeling a little queasy since it was something I was really struggling with).  We delved into the trouble we have in forgiving no matter what and in forgiving quickly (I hate to admit it, but I have been guilty of trying to make a person or two I have been really ticked off at squirm and grovel a little before I forgave them).

I realize that unforgiveness comes down to a sort of exercise of power on my part.  But that’s what makes it appealing, to my flesh that is—abusing the power I possess at someone else’s expense (God has given us power for simply one reason the way I see it, and that is to bless one another, not to be bitter with one another). It’s as if I want to let my offender know, “Hey, you hurt me and I want you to feel my pain too.”  Before he dropped me at my destination my friend shared a powerful truth that night that he’d recently heard his pastor share.  And it still challenges me to this day.

So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.  (Colossians 3:12-14, The Message)

It’s when we refuse to forgive quickly and completely that the poison of unforgiveness begins to fester and spread like an open-infected wound, polluting our entire being and our relationships.

Oh, and about my friend’s pastor.  He said, Forgiveness is not a place we are trying to get to, forgiveness is the place we start.

If we are going to get anywhere in our relationships, we must forgive first, and we must forgive fully.


“But the LORD is in His holy temple; the LORD still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth.” Psalm 11:4 (NLT)

Are you in a season of uncertainty? Do you find yourself in need of an infusion of power? Today’s key verse holds the key to the infusion you need. The power is summed up in three simple words:

But the Lord.

“But the Lord” is a powerful phrase. The word “but” is a conjunction and used in this sentence it means “contrary to.” Contrary to what? In the proceeding verses of Psalm 11, David proclaims how he trusts the Lord for his protection. He followed his proclamation with the details of how the wicked are preparing their weapons for attack against him. Then he belts out the transition statement of power: But the Lord.

Maybe you feel like King David. You have been surrounded by the Lord’s protection in the past. You have marveled at His work in your life, however, in this present season of life you feel as if the enemy is stocking his armory against you. It seems Satan spends his days sharpening the arrows and stringing his bow.

Regardless of his current circumstances, David could be assured of two certainties: the Lord is in His Holy Temple and the Lord still rules from heaven. Oh, the peace this must have given King David. God is constant.

This statement of power can infuse you and help you look at your life through a different set of lenses. In the midst of downsizing or divorce, buyouts or payoffs, layoffs or let downs, disappointments and despair, we can count on the same two certainties as the great King David. We can put our faith in the certainty that the Lord is in His Holy Temple and the Lord still rules from heaven. Oh, the peace this can bring to us. Rest in the peace this statement of power offers and don’t look back.

Dear Lord, Your power is indescribable. Forgive me for failing to remember the power that is mine as a child of God. Thank You for remaining constant when life is not. I rest today in the comfort that You are in Your Holy Temple and You still rule from Heaven. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

So, what’s holding you back?

What’s Holding You Back?

So how do you know when something is holding you back?  Here are some signs:

* Despite your passion or desire for something, you do not take steps to attain it.

* Others see more potential in you than you can see for yourself.

* You believe that others have held you back or hindered you in some way.

* You believe in your potential but are afraid to move toward it.

* You feel stuck.

* You are worried about embarrassing yourself.

* You are hiding behind shame or guilt.

* You have given up on certain goals or dreams because of something in your past.

* You allow fear to control your decisions.

* You sidestep issues that need to be addressed in order to avoid conflict or disappointment.

* You have talents you rarely use.

* You think or speak in negative terms about yourself, your abilities and your goals.

* You are waiting on perfect circumstances before you take a step forward.

What have I to FEAR?

Psalm 27 (NIV)

1 The LORD is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?

We can spend a large portion of our lives in fear–afraid to live life to the fullest because of this or that.  Most of what we are afraid of–are simply possibilities.  Things that only “might” happen.

God promised us that He will be our light; guiding the way.  He will be our strength; in our time of weakness.  When we are facing a storm; He will be our strong tower that we can run into and be safe.

There is no need to fear what “might” happen.  God (our Heavenly Father) will never leave us nor forsake us.  We can be confident and rest assured in the arms of our sovereign God.

PRAYER FOCUS:  Heavenly Father, I rest in You.  I will not be afraid of what might happen.  I will trust in Your complete control.  Help me to sense Your presence in my daily life.  I need not be afraid with You in my life.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN.

Do you have an “Emergency Joy Kit?”

Nehemiah 8:10 (King James Version)

10Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our LORD: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

Most of us probably begin each day in a good mood. Usually, its as the day progresses that we begin to start feeling down or out of sorts. For me, my day begins getting the kids off to school. Sometimes its a smooth transition, BUT, sometimes it is absolutely chaotic.

Today, I read a devotional online which spoke about an “Emergency Joy Kit.” The author is a woman of God named Bonnie St John. Only, she called it a “Joy First Aid Kit.” However, when I was reading the article, I thought of an “Emergency Kit.” You know, like the one we carry around in the trunk of our cars. To me, it makes more sense to have a kit that I can use for all types of emergencies…not just one used in case of an injury or accident.

Well, no matter what you may choose to call it; as long as it gets the job done and changes the situation at hand. Just as important as it is to have a first aid kit or emergency kit in the trunk of our cars; we should also have a kit for those down days. One that we can reach into and pull out just the right tool that will bring about a change in attitude and circumstances.

Do you have an “Emergency Joy Kit” handy? For me, one of the first items in my kit will be “praising God.” I can’t think of any other thing that makes me feel better. When I spend time “praising God” and exalting His name….everything else seems to be less important. Truly, the joy of the Lord, is my strength. What’s in your kit?

Here are some examples:

* taking long walks

* listening to music

* long hot baths

* spending time with you children

For everyone the kit will be filled with different things. The important thing is to make good use of it. For certain, we are going to have a down day every now and again. But, having an “Emergency Joy Kit” handy, will change our attitude and reduce stress. Think about it and be prepared by having your kit ready.

PRAYER FOCUS: Heavenly Father, it is for certain that every day will not be a great one. However, it is a day that you have made and we can rejoice and be glad in it. Help us to look to You for our STRENGTH and JOY. We can fill our kits with the things that bring us JOY and keep our total focus off of our situations. IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN.

Finding Time for Prayer

Ephesians 6:18 (Amplified Bible)

18Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints (God’s consecrated people).


You’ve probably been disappointed more than once by emails or phone messages from family or friends that go like this:  “Sorry I haven’t called lately,  but things have been awfully busy.  The kids have all had colds and fevers lately, but everybody is fine now, thank goodness  flu season is over.   Hope you are fine too.  Well, better get back to work.  Will call as soon as I have more time to talk.  Love Ya…” 

Sometimes, I postpone phoning friends because I am waiting for a more opportune time that will allow me to talk (what I feel would be quality time) for long periods.  Not wanting to cut the conversation short because I only have a limited amount of time to stay on the phone.  So, I put off  the phone call hoping to find a block ot time that I feel would be more suitable.  This usually results in family and friends feeling somewhat neglected. 

My prayer life was similar to this type of behavior;  postponed, with long gaps in between.  I was disappointed in it and I assumed that God was too.  However, Prayer doesn’t have to be lenthy or wordy.  Instead, it can be short but very satisfying.  The purpose is to connect with our Heavenly Father.  I have learned to simply open my heart to God and allow Him to speak to me.  I don’t have to be the one doing all the talking. 

As I have found with family and friends; they don’t care how long we talk, they just want to hear from me.  God justs wants to hear from us too!  He is waitng to hear from you!  Pick up the phone and give Him a call right where you are.  It doesn’t matter how long you talk or who’s doing the talking.  There is no right or wrong way to pray!

Learning to fit prayer into a busy life is not easy.  Make a commitment to at least one definite prayer time every day.  Begin with consistency, but don’t beat up yourself if you don’t always follow through.  I have found that praying for the needs of others has helped me to remain committed.  Again, God just simply wants to hear from us. 

PRAYER FOCUS:  Heavenly Father, we need to spend time with You.  Help us to schedule our day with You included.  It is our earnest desire to connect with You as often as possible.  Thank you for allowing us access to You at any time of the day or night.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN. 



Isaiah 53:5 (NIV)

 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
       he was crushed for our iniquities;
       the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
       and by his wounds we are healed.

 He was wounded.  He was bruised.  He was pierced.  He was stripped of His majesty and glory.  He carried All our sicknesses and sorrows upon His back and by His stripes we are healed. 

You may ask the questions:  Why is there so much pain? Why  is there so much sickness?  Why is there so much sorrow?  Is there a balm in Gilead?  What can take away my pain?  What can take away my sorrow?  Can I be healed? 

The answer is “YES!” 


My testimony is not like that of many others,  I wasn’t addicted to drugs or alcohol.  I didn’t suffer a great loss of any kind, nor was I homeless or on a sick bed.  But, I was lost deep in my sin.  I had a sorrow that no matter where I turned for the answer or healing, I couldn’t find it. 

It wasn’t until I began to seek after God that I realized, I needed a Savior.  I had heard about this Jesus.  I was told that He could take away the pain and sorrow that I was feeling.  Only, I wasn’t quite sure I would be able to follow Him.  However, in 1984 I gave my hand to the Preacher, and my heart to Jesus.  My life has never been the same. 

We are approaching Resurrection Sunday;  a day of to rememberance and honor for what was purchased for us through the death of Jesus at Calvary’s Cross.  God sent His one and only Son to suffer death on the cross that we might be saved!  He is the answer to whatever situation or sorrow you may be facing.  Won’t you trust Him today?  He is the balm you need for you healing.  No matter where you are hurting,  Jesus can heal you. 

All those that are wounded, brokenhearted, discouraged, abused and in sorrow–Jesus paid the price with His life that you might be healed.  He is the balm that was spread over all the areas that you are hurting.  Don’t deny yourself the balm that can heal you of all your “dis-eases.”  Trust Him. 

PRAYER FOCUS:  Jesus I invite you into my life right now.  Believing that only You can heal me, because You were wounded for my transgressions and bruised for my iniquities and by Your stripes, IAM HEALED.  Thank you Jesus, for all you’ve done for me.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN

True Forgiveness by Ronda M. Harris


Luke 7:47-48 (KJV)

48 And He said to her, thy sins are forgiven. 


There is something supernaturally powerful about forgiveness. The power of forgiveness has the absolute ability to change a person’s life forever. Hence, the purpose of Christ shedding His blood at Calvary. Most all of us are familiar with the virtue of forgiving others so that we can be free and released from the potential toxins that accompany unforgiveness. However, the true power of forgiveness is not self-centered at all; it is the undeniable acknowledgment of our sins and our compelling need of the forgiveness of God. The secular mindset focuses on forgiving others for your own sake, but that thought alone leaves the individual devoid of the true forgiveness that we all need from God through Christ Jesus. It is not enough to forgive others or even yourself, but accepting the forgiveness of God through the finished work of Christ is crucial to a healthy exchange of forgiveness; your sins and shame—for God’s love and forgiveness. 



Prayer Focus:  Father, we thank you for you Love that is extended toward us and we thank you for your blood that was shed for the remission of our sins.  Help us to understand the true power of forgiveness that comes only from you.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

A Matter of Perspective

Philippians 2:5 (NIV)

 5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:


Even for strong Christians who are grounded in their faith, discouragement can easily sneak its way into hearts and minds as life deals us certain situations and struggles.  As we struggle with the challenges and difficulties of everyday life, or things that happened to us that were unfair or unwarranted, it is easy to get pulled into a habitual mindset of negativity.  It can happen to the best of us.  Yes, what happened wasn’t fair, LIFE ISN’T ALWAYS FAIR! 

Sometimes, it’s  just a matter of perspective.  We often choose to focus on the negative rather than the positive.  It’s during these times that we become our own worst enemy.  We wage a battle in our minds, because we look at the negative of our circumstance, instead of focusing on what it is that God may be trying to teach us or work through us.  God always has a plan!

It isn’t automatic for me to ask God, “How can you get the glory from this situation?”  My attitude isn’t always that of Christ Jesus.  Jesus humbled himself to the will of God.  He understood that whatever He had to endure, it was only to bring glory to his Father.  The same is true in our lives.  God wants our lives to bring glory to Him as well.  We must learn to trust Him, completely. 

What is your perspective today about what you are going through?  Are you grumbling and complaining?  Are you focused on the negative?  Or, are you allowing God to draw you close to Him, so that you might better understand His will for you life?  Our attitude is our choice. 

Also, its important to remember, whatever you are going through, as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death….He is with you!

PRAYER:  Father, today I choose to focus on the positive.  I surrender to your will for my life.  It is my desire to change my perspective, attitude and thought pattern.  Help me to have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus.  May you forever be glorified in my life.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN