— 3-31-08-1  Jesus and the Samaritan Woman Part 1 of 5 


3-31-08-2   Jesus and the Samaritan Woman Part 2 of 5 
—-3-31-08-3 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman Part 3 of 5 Key elements: 1. The women express their thoughts re the abuse in the Bynum-Weeks marriage.2. One woman shares with the group that she has allowed a new man to enter her life and how her faith guides her relationship with him.—-4-14-08-1 Luke pairs a woman and a man (Mary vs Zacharias) Key elements: 1. Zacharias–a priest–doubted God and was struck mute, but Mary had faith and was blessed. This passage shows Mary as a model of how those who have faith are rewarded.2. This passage further reveals the counter-culture view of women in the New Testament. —-4-14-08-2 The women discuss Mary as a mother, her faith, and her reaction to the torture and death of her son.Key element: 1. One woman gives a powerful personal testimony of modeling her faith after Mary.—-4-21-08-1 Abuse Wounds and Weakens Women and Girls–Part 1 Key elements: 1. Why are women so often victims of abuse?
2. What can an abused woman do to escape?
3. Do abused women know the warning signs of an abuser?—-4-21-08-2 Abuse Wounds and Weakens Women and Girls–Part 2 Key elements: 1. the women discuss the strong connection between girls and women not feeling valued and allowing others to inflict abuse.
2. Do other women support and help abused women?
3. How can a woman use Jesus’ love for her to prevent being abused or to help her to escape abuse?




  1. I enjoyed hearing this session. I think women one time or another go through different types of abuse. Some they can idenify and other they can’t. For example verbal abuse is not one that comes out in the beginning of a relationship, infact most of the time it comes later in the relationship. I remember as a child hearing from my dad more times then i care to remember say, “you’ll never amount to anything”. Even now i still hear that in my head, I fight this everyday, i guess you can say that this is my own war. Will you have a session on this type of abuse?

  2. In the words of Bishop TD Jakes – “The greater fact is this: It isn’t what people say about you or to you that’s going to matter in the long run, it’s what you say about yourself to yourself.” There is an old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.” This is not a true statement at all. Names most certainly can and do hurt us. I teach my children to be very careful about what they say because once it comes out of your mouth it can’t go back. I’m sure we all have said things to our children that we wish we could take back, I know I have. Verbal abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse, especially when coming from a parent or loved one. There comes a time in life when you must declare that the past is gone and you can’t undo it. In spite of all that was said and done, it’s over! It needs to be replaced with the new. I can’t change the past or anything that was meant to hurt me, but I can change how I allow it to limit my life today. I refuse to give power to any negative words spoken of me, by anyone. Oh, they may still hurt to remember, but I choose not to live by them.

  3. This women’s fellowship is an awesome fellowship to be apart of. I have enjoyed being a partaker and participant in this blessed community of Sisters. I am grateful to the Lord for leading me to this circle of love last year because it has tremendously impacted my relationship with the Lord. This fellowship has stregthed me, challenged me, humbled me and has surely inspired me. My prayer is that for everyone male or female, young or the young-at-heart will be encouraged, enlightened, inspired and challenged by all that is offered by visiting this site. These Sisters are real and balanced. They offer sincere Christ-like love with their hearts open and their willingness to share their life experiences with each other and to all who would have an ear to hear what the Lord has to wisper to our hearts. Enjoy and be blessed.

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