I am forgiven

“The Sinful Woman” Luke 7:36-50

She doesn’t even have a name in this passage she is only known by her sin. Discounted, ignored, ridiculed by all around her, this woman who was only seen by the path her life had taken. No one saw the value in her, no one recognized the treasure in her, no one even cared enough for her to offer her help. None of this stops the woman from seeing her healing and forgiveness in the man Jesus. Even though Jesus is positioned in the midst of all those who despised this woman, she pressed forward towards him, sometimes you have got to press to get to Jesus, to get to your blessing. She never made herself equal to Jesus, instead she humble her heart before Him, and no matter what the crowd thought of her, she knew that Jesus could see past her pain, past her sins, past her short comings, past her mistakes and bad choices, past her circumstances and see her! Not only did she humble her heart before Jesus, but she came with what was precious to her, and offered to Him everything she had. As she washed and wiped Jesus feet with her tears, Jesus compassion for her lifted her to be able to obtain a forgiven life. Not only did Jesus forgive her sins, but he encouraged her faith and validated her. He let her know that through her faith she participated in receiving her healing and forgiveness. ” Your faith has saved you: go in peace.” Jesus gave her the strength and the command to “go.” Go forth healed, Go forth forgiven, Go forth a new creature, Go forth in peace, Go forth with a high self-esteem and a new perspective of self; Go forth and live a new life as a new woman of God. Like no one could keep you from your healing, no one can keep you from living and walking in your healing! Go forth women, Jesus has saved you and validated you!

The Sisterhood Mission

The Sisterhood Ministry has been birthed out of a desire to see women become all that God has created us to be. The foundation of this fellowship has been laid by the word of God. this Ministry is here for you to glean wisdom and guidance that will give you tools that  will enable you to make sound choices and decisions which will help you lead a successful, healthy, and prosperous life in Christ.

Knowing and valuing who you are is essential to becoming an empowered, informed and treasured woman. We seek to inspire change, encourage healing, and edify the whole woman, through the word of God making it applicable in our contemporary times.

You are now tuned into: Sisters in Session

Hello to My Sisters from Phoebedee

Hello to my sisters–I’m Phoebedee. 🙂

I wanted to comment on why  the “Women in Session” Group. This group spawned out of the necessity for women to become–BECOME all that God wants them to be and says they are. God, has an awesome perspective of His creation “the woman.” He created her to be a participator, innovator, caretaker, nurturer, exhorter, guide, and sound voice. We are not here to challenge women on points of view; we are here to challenge women to understand the vision that God has for us–a vision that has been contorted and changed so often that even in our own thoughts we’ve often lost sight of OUR VALUE and strength.

I am convinced that the ministry of reconciliation needs to also happen between women and women, men and women, along with those of different cultures and backgrounds. There is a strength that the Spirit of God gives to His people that is only at its greatest power, when the walls of separation are torn down. This separation happens on many levels: professionally, economically, educationally, environmentally, and of course spiritually.

Often the work to encourage change is done through the individuals who experience the fallout from ideologies conceived by visionless people. If I cannot speak to other women about becoming enpowered by God, how can we ever speak to those who prefer to control, limit, or remove our power. Graciously, God has given us a voice to be raised and recognized to show His blessings, His love, His Power, His Spirit, and His Grace and Mercy. This mission of God is not one that is easy, because some folk are not ready or do not even realize their own needs. But, like Isaiah, when God sent me to be a spokesperson for Him to the hearts of women, I said, “Here am I Lord, send me!” Even though the messages may be rejected, misunderstood, critized, etc., I understand that it is not about me, but for me first and then it is about what God wants. His love for us is so strong and passionate, so forgiving and covering–that He can only see the best for us, so therefore, may we only see the best for ourselves, even when it is challenging and sometimes almost impossible to look up or beyond.

I know that the God I serve says I am his daughter. And to each of you, you are God’s daughters, whom God is blessing, but wants to bless the more and use everything you have to further His agenda, which is Us!!!! I love you, because God loves me, and He wants you to love yourselves and embrace His image of you. And to my sisters who believe they’ve got it…today, but we will always need a reminder tomorrow!

Be blessed daughters of God!