Proverbs 31:10 (AMP)

 10A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman–who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls.


It’s taken me awhile to post in reference to the “Chris Brown and Rihanna” incident. Domestic Violence is not going away anytime soon.  In fact, it’s probably going to get worse before it gets better. I say this with all humility and deep regret.  I truly want to believe that someday things will get better, that men will get the help they need and we can put this demon to rest. It’s the same old story.  Man becomes angry; man beats woman; man begs for forgiveness; woman goes back to man; man becomes angry, again; man kills woman; the end of woman.  Pathetic. 

 But, unfortunately, I have to face the truth.   It is no secret that what negatively effects men will result in violence against women.  The country is in a state of economic upset.  When men are scared, disappointed, angry, embarrassed, rejected, and in pain; it ultimately leads to violence against women and children…”the weaker vessel.”  What will it take in this country for us to wake up and stop the madness?


Since we are unable to change any man, our only recourse is to change the way we allow ourselves to be treated by a man. It’s a given– as long as men are protected and escape consequences of their actions; things will stay the same. We may as well face it.  Ladies, we have to change the way WE allow ourselves to be treated.  When a man doesn’t see the VALUE in me; he is not worth my time or thought.  Every time a man abuses a woman; he DEVALUES her.  To him you are no better than the gum on the bottom of his shoe.  In fact, they often use their shoes to stomp all over you.  You must “know your worth.”


Firstly: according to Genesis 1:27-28, we were created in the image of God.  What could be more valuable than that?  Secondly:  Psalms 139:14 states, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God took special care in creating us.  We are more valuable than rubies (Proverbs 31:10) He instructed the man to provide and protect everything that He created.  Especially, the woman that was made to complete him.  She was designed to fulfill a specific purpose. 


Daughter of God, know that you are valuable beyond any price that could ever be offered.  The only way we are ever going to achieve Domestic Peace is to stop allowing ourselves to be victims of Domestic Violence.  Pay attention to the warning signs and get out as fast as you can.  Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, however, in most cases; there are early signs of behavior indicating possible violent tendencies. There is a list of warning signs posted on this site.   Title: Why do abusers succeed?  BE CAREFUL. 


PRAYER FOCUS:      Heavenly Father.  I lift up every woman living with violence to You right now.  Protect her from physical abuse.  Give her the courage to walk away from any one that doesn’t value her as You do.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN.       

Why Bother?

Mark 5:35-36 (NIV)

 35While Jesus was still speaking, some men came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher any more?”

 36Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Have you ever had someone discourage you at a time in your life when you were doing all you knew to do?  The situation seemed so bleek and hopeless. All you may have had was one last bit of hope and they tried to take that  away. 

Well, such is the case with Jairus (the synagogue ruler)whose daughter was sick in bed.  Jairus fell at the feet of Jesus begging Him to come to his house and lay His hands upon her that she might be healed and live.  Jesus followed him.  Along the way a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years stopped Him by touching His garment.  Jesus turned and asked “who touched me?”  Keep in mind, Jairus’ daughter is at the brink of death.  Jesus, (doesn’t seem to be in any particular hurry) takes the time to minister to the need of this woman.  I don’t know about you but, I would have been just a little anxious at this point.  In verse 32, it says that Jesus actually began looking around for her.  The woman falls to His feet, begins to tell Him the “whole” truth.  Which may have taken even more time.  Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from you suffering.” 

Jesus took so long coming;  while He was still speaking to the woman, some men came up to Jairus and said, “Your daughter is dead, why bother or annoy” the teacher any more?”  Sometimes, in some cases–you just have to “bother or annoy” Jesus.  Even though others may think its a waste of time.  Jesus is not “bothered or annoyed” by our prayers.  Someone may be dependant upon you reaching Him on their behalf.  Just think,  if Jairus had listened to those that said, “why bother,”  he could have been discouraged and given up all hope of his daughter being healed.  But, instead he listened to Jesus, who ignored what they said. He turned to Jairus and said,”Don’t be afraid; just believe.  Jesus spoke to her and she rose up from the bed, …HEALED.  Glory to God!


Don’t give up!  Jesus is on the way!  Just keep on believing! Take courage and don’t let anyone talk you out of your blessing. 

Habakkuh 2:3   ….This vision-message is a witness
   pointing to what’s coming.
It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait!
   And it doesn’t lie.
If it seems slow in coming, wait.
   It’s on its way. It will come right on time.

PRAYER FOCUS:  Heavenly Father,  give me the strenth to wait on Your perfect timing.  Let me not grow weary or faint.  In spite of all the negative reports that others might bring to me.  Help me to “keep on believing.”  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN. 

New Findings on HRT (hormone replacement therapy)

Original Publication Date: 03/02/2009
Last Modified: 03/09/2009
Principal Author: Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP

New evidence on the use of hormones for menopause

Here’s a quick overview of what’s new in HRT:

  • Coronary heart disease. If HRT is initiated within ten years of menopause or in women under 60, it may help reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease. It appears that estrogen therapy alone delivers better results than combined estrogen and progestin (any hormone that causes progesterone-like effects.) The caveat for women with a uterus, however, is that they do need a form of progesterone to “oppose” potential risks of estrogen alone.
  • Breast health. A closer look at the 2002 WHI data revealed that estrogen therapy alone was not associated with an increase in breast cancer risk, but that estrogen together with progestogen (synthetic progesterone) slightly increased the risk of breast cancer. This is still true, but a recent small study suggests that adding testosterone to estrogen and progestogen could help counteract the breast cell proliferation associated with cancer. In addition, the increase in women’s blood estrogen levels when they’re on HRT is associated with increased breast density, but there is also evidence that using bioidentical progesterone instead of synthetic progestin forms lessens breast density.
  • Cognitive health. The 2004 WHIMS (Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study) study showed that initiating estrogen therapy or estrogen/progestogen therapy in women over 65 had a negative effect on cognition — particularly if they had already experienced some cognitive decline. But another study looking at younger women, between the ages of 50 and 63, showed that those on hormone therapy had a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease than those that weren’t.
  • Cholesterol and triglycerides. Back in 1997, the PEPI (Postmenopausal Estrogen Progestin Intervention) trial showed that women aged 45–60 on conjugated equine estrogens alone (Premarin) or conjugated equine estrogens and natural progesterone had significant increases in “good” cholesterol, compared to those receiving conjugated equine estrogens with a synthetic progestogen (Prempro). Now, we also know that bioidentical estradiol delivered across the skin reduces triglycerides, rather than increasing triglycerides as do estrogens that are swallowed in pill form — both synthetic and bioidentical.
  • Blood clots. In pill forms that are swallowed, the risk for a blood clot (also known as venous thromboembolism) varies by the type of progesterone or progestogen used. The lowest risk comes with using natural progesterone and the highest comes with norpregnane derivatives (synthetic progesterones). Estrogen, on the other hand, if given transdermally (across the skin), comes with no increased risk of blood clot.

What should a woman make of all these findings? Though this new research is promising, much of it still looks at synthetic progesterone and equine estrogen (estrogen derived from a pregnant horse). These hormone forms can be patented by drug companies and are therefore molecularly different from the hormones we make in our bodies. Bioidentical hormones, those that have the same molecular structure as those made in our bodies, have been less studied, but are becoming more popular, especially with Oprah’s recent discussions. We’ve always used bioidentical hormones at Women to Women because we feel they are gentler on the system than synthetics. For more about the differences between synthetic and bioidentical hormones, see our bioidentical hormones article.

Above all we have to remember that hormone therapy, synthetic or bioidentical, is not the right choice for every woman — because we all have our own unique set of circumstances. In my practice, I evaluate each HRT case individually, at each appointment. Every time I see a woman on or considering HRT, we discuss individual risks, look at the recent research, and discuss her quality of life, so each woman can make an informed decision about starting or continuing bHRT on her own terms. And I generally recommend women stay on hormones for fewer than five to seven years.

Risks and benefits of HRT — individuality is central

Do the benefits outweigh the risks for you?

Consider these questions while making your decision about HRT:

  • Are you less than 60 years old?
  • Are you close to menopause and still having symptoms?
  • Does your personal or family medical history include breast cancer, endometrial cancer, or liver disease?
  • Is your quality of life being seriously compromised by your symptoms?

When I sit down with a woman considering hormone replacement therapy, I always look at her age, proximity to menopause, medical history, and her quality of life. Quality of life is so important, and it’s something conventional practitioners often dismiss if the research shows any kind of risk associated with a given treatment. I have one patient who was diagnosed with breast cancer years ago, and even after the 2002 WHI results came out, she decided she’d never go back to life without bio-HRT. I’ve always respected her position. (Keep in mind, we’re checking her hormone levels yearly — sometimes twice a year — and she’s taking bioidentical HRT.) Each woman, especially when given the information to make an educated decision, has the right to decide what is best for her body.

Take a look at the questions in the box to the right. Researchers tell us that the risk profile for hormone replacement therapy goes down in women under 60, women less than ten years from menopause, and women who don’t have a history of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, or liver disease. In my opinion, whether or not your hormones are still fluctuating is a more important consideration than whether it’s been less than ten years since you entered menopause. It is safer to introduce HRT when hormones haven’t tapered off yet.

If you think about it logically, reintroducing hormones when the system has adjusted to life without them — like the majority of women enrolled in the WHI study (average age 63) — doesn’t make much sense. Their estrogen and progesterone receptors have most likely diminished in activity, and adding hormones when the body isn’t expecting them or in need of them sends mixed messages. I’ve heard some patients describe menopause and perimenopause like a plane crash — you can feel it coming and then suddenly you hit the ground. I know that your perspective on life can change with the fluctuation of your hormones — after all, the body and mind are intimately connected. But supplementing those hormones as close to menopause as possible can “soften the landing,” so there is less shock to the system.

Each woman has a different set of circumstances that determine her personal risk, but based on the new evidence and what I’ve experienced in practice, the safety of HRT is enhanced if the following guidelines are met:

  • It is given to younger women (under 60), who are close to menopause and whose hormones are still fluctuating.
  • The woman does not have a history of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, or liver disease.
  • The woman uses bioidentical hormones as opposed to synthetic HRT.
  • The woman uses transdermal, transvaginal, sublingual, or “melt” forms of HRT instead of pills that need to be swallowed.
  • Hormone replacement therapy doesn’t go on for more than five to seven years.

True Forgiveness by Ronda M. Harris


Luke 7:47-48 (KJV)

48 And He said to her, thy sins are forgiven. 


There is something supernaturally powerful about forgiveness. The power of forgiveness has the absolute ability to change a person’s life forever. Hence, the purpose of Christ shedding His blood at Calvary. Most all of us are familiar with the virtue of forgiving others so that we can be free and released from the potential toxins that accompany unforgiveness. However, the true power of forgiveness is not self-centered at all; it is the undeniable acknowledgment of our sins and our compelling need of the forgiveness of God. The secular mindset focuses on forgiving others for your own sake, but that thought alone leaves the individual devoid of the true forgiveness that we all need from God through Christ Jesus. It is not enough to forgive others or even yourself, but accepting the forgiveness of God through the finished work of Christ is crucial to a healthy exchange of forgiveness; your sins and shame—for God’s love and forgiveness. 



Prayer Focus:  Father, we thank you for you Love that is extended toward us and we thank you for your blood that was shed for the remission of our sins.  Help us to understand the true power of forgiveness that comes only from you.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

A Matter of Perspective

Philippians 2:5 (NIV)

 5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:


Even for strong Christians who are grounded in their faith, discouragement can easily sneak its way into hearts and minds as life deals us certain situations and struggles.  As we struggle with the challenges and difficulties of everyday life, or things that happened to us that were unfair or unwarranted, it is easy to get pulled into a habitual mindset of negativity.  It can happen to the best of us.  Yes, what happened wasn’t fair, LIFE ISN’T ALWAYS FAIR! 

Sometimes, it’s  just a matter of perspective.  We often choose to focus on the negative rather than the positive.  It’s during these times that we become our own worst enemy.  We wage a battle in our minds, because we look at the negative of our circumstance, instead of focusing on what it is that God may be trying to teach us or work through us.  God always has a plan!

It isn’t automatic for me to ask God, “How can you get the glory from this situation?”  My attitude isn’t always that of Christ Jesus.  Jesus humbled himself to the will of God.  He understood that whatever He had to endure, it was only to bring glory to his Father.  The same is true in our lives.  God wants our lives to bring glory to Him as well.  We must learn to trust Him, completely. 

What is your perspective today about what you are going through?  Are you grumbling and complaining?  Are you focused on the negative?  Or, are you allowing God to draw you close to Him, so that you might better understand His will for you life?  Our attitude is our choice. 

Also, its important to remember, whatever you are going through, as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death….He is with you!

PRAYER:  Father, today I choose to focus on the positive.  I surrender to your will for my life.  It is my desire to change my perspective, attitude and thought pattern.  Help me to have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus.  May you forever be glorified in my life.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN