So, what’s holding you back?

What’s Holding You Back?

So how do you know when something is holding you back?  Here are some signs:

* Despite your passion or desire for something, you do not take steps to attain it.

* Others see more potential in you than you can see for yourself.

* You believe that others have held you back or hindered you in some way.

* You believe in your potential but are afraid to move toward it.

* You feel stuck.

* You are worried about embarrassing yourself.

* You are hiding behind shame or guilt.

* You have given up on certain goals or dreams because of something in your past.

* You allow fear to control your decisions.

* You sidestep issues that need to be addressed in order to avoid conflict or disappointment.

* You have talents you rarely use.

* You think or speak in negative terms about yourself, your abilities and your goals.

* You are waiting on perfect circumstances before you take a step forward.

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