BLACK HISTORY MONTH featuring: Hazel I Jackson


Hazel I Jackson , a native of South Carolina, earned a bachelor’s degree in secondary English education from South Carolina State College and a master’s of education degree from Temple University.  She did post-graduate work at Delaware University.    Prior to moving to Lancaster in 1952, she taught four years in the public schools of South Carolina. 

In 1961, Lancaster Sertoma Club began a mission to help African-Americans who had been deprived of job opportunities to get into their qualified fields.  Every time she applied for a teaching postiion, she had to supply a picture along with the application, so school boards knew she was African-American.   She was rejected 12 times–“not because of her credentials.”  But, she didn’t let that stop her.  It just inspired her to work harder to get a foot in the door as a subsitute teacher.  Eventually, she was hired as an English teacher  for seventh and eighth…

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Encourage Yourself In the Lord

1 Samuel 30:5-6 (New International Version)

5 David’s two wives had been captured—Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail, the widow of Nabal of Carmel. 6 David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God.

Depression tried to overtake me. Negative thoughts, voices speaking into my ears, whispering criticisms and everywhere I turned… everybody was going through something .  There was no escaping!  I wasn’t getting a breakthrough at church or from reading scripture.  Finally, I gave into depression and decided to go to bed and pull the covers over my head. 

 Has this ever happened to you?  Have you ever felt like giving up and surrendering to defeat?

As I laid on my bed it occurred to me;  maybe instead of laying here feeling sorry for myself…I should pray.  Just as I began to pray the Lord spoke to me.  He said, “if you continue to lie here, you will become even more depressed, get up and get moving.  I have already overcome for you and the only way you’re  going to lose, is if you continue to lie here and remain in this state of mind.”  So I got up!  And, I began to ” encourage myself in the Lord.”  I started speaking to myself.  “You can’t change anything by staying in this bed.  In fact, some situations you can’t change at all.  The only way you’re going to change anything is by getting out of the bed and moving,  Moving toward the change; causing the change, and/or pressing on in spite of the circumstances.”  The more I spoke to myself the better I began to feel. 

The circumstances around me didn’t immediately change, but I changed the way I felt about them.  Yes, depression was all around me.  But, I determined that I wasn’t going to let it dictate how my day would be spent.  Or, how I would respond to what was happening around me.  It was all up to me.  I could remain depressed or remember that God has everything under control.  And He is working it all out for my good and the good of others.

Perhaps,  you’re going through a situation that has you depressed or discouraged.  Just like David, you can encourage yourself in the Lord your God.  David sought the Lord’s guidance and God told him that if he “got up”  he was going to be successful and recover all.  You should not only seek the Lord’s guidance but remember what He has done for you in the past.  He brought you out before, He’ll bring you out again.

PRAYER FOCUS:  Father, right now I am faced with a difficult situation.  But, I refuse to give into depression or discouragement.  I seek Your guidance and encouragement.  Thank you for ALL the times you worked it out in the past.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN. 



We are all wounded people. Who wounds us? Often those whom we love and those who love us. When we feel rejected, abandoned, abused, manipulated, or violated, it is mostly by people very close to us: our parents, our friends, our spouses, our lovers, our children, our neighbors, our teachers, our pastors. Those who love us wound us too. That’s the tragedy of our lives. This is what makes forgiveness from the heart so difficult. It is precisely our hearts that are wounded. We cry out, ‘You, who I expected to be there for me, you have abandoned me. How can I ever forgive you for that?’

Forgiveness often seems impossible, but nothing is impossible for God. The God who lives within us will give us the grace to go beyond our wounded selves and say, ‘In the Name of God you are forgiven.’ Let’s pray for that grace.  ~Henri Nouwen

The young whipper snapper who cuts you off on your morning commute causing you to spill your hot coffee all over your shirt and tie may make you mad as one of Michael Vick’s former pit bulls, but the rude driver isn’t very likely to hurt you.  It’s those closest to us who we must learn to forgive most, we might as well get used to it.

God gives us no seasonal permits or hunting licenses to hold grudges and resentment towards one another. You might say “There are just some things that are impossible to forgive,” and maybe there are, without God.  All things are possible with him.  And if it were the case, that some things can’t be forgiven, don’t you think God would have spelled that out in his letters to us from home?

A musician friend named Link gave me a lift from the airport a couple years back while I was scratching and clawing to survive in Nashville (at the time, I was still very much on the heels of my recent divorce).  He picked me up in his slightly used black Land Rover he’d just purchased.  He couldn’t help but show it off as he had every reason to; it was a nice ride and he bought it for a song and dance.

We ended up having a good conversation during our short trip.  As it turned out, the conversation turned to forgiveness (which had me feeling a little queasy since it was something I was really struggling with).  We delved into the trouble we have in forgiving no matter what and in forgiving quickly (I hate to admit it, but I have been guilty of trying to make a person or two I have been really ticked off at squirm and grovel a little before I forgave them).

I realize that unforgiveness comes down to a sort of exercise of power on my part.  But that’s what makes it appealing, to my flesh that is—abusing the power I possess at someone else’s expense (God has given us power for simply one reason the way I see it, and that is to bless one another, not to be bitter with one another). It’s as if I want to let my offender know, “Hey, you hurt me and I want you to feel my pain too.”  Before he dropped me at my destination my friend shared a powerful truth that night that he’d recently heard his pastor share.  And it still challenges me to this day.

So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.  (Colossians 3:12-14, The Message)

It’s when we refuse to forgive quickly and completely that the poison of unforgiveness begins to fester and spread like an open-infected wound, polluting our entire being and our relationships.

Oh, and about my friend’s pastor.  He said, Forgiveness is not a place we are trying to get to, forgiveness is the place we start.

If we are going to get anywhere in our relationships, we must forgive first, and we must forgive fully.

“Wherever I go, God will always be with me.”

Joshua 1:9  (NIV)

9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

One day, as I arrived at my youngest daughter’s Christian preschool classroom, she rushed up to greet me with a hug and announcement that she had received a sticker.  “Mommy, Mommy, I did it,” she proudly said.   For weeks the class had been working on memorizing a scripture verse.  Joshua 1: 9.  Each child took a turn trying to repeat the scripture from memory.  That day was my daughter’s turn and she was able to say it in its entirety.  The teacher encouraged her to recite it for me.

I must admit, the last thing I wanted was to be delayed any longer than necessary.  It was just about the time for the other children to be let out of school, and I was running late for picking them up.  I attempted to put on my biggest smile, “Sure honey, Mommy would love to hear your scripture verse,”  I said.  She began in the most precious, calming and soothing voice I have ever heard.  The words pierced straight through to my heart.

God was speaking to me, and the tears began to flow from my eyes.  He couldn’t have made it any plainer.  My daughter said the words, but God was talking.  “Have I not commanded you?”   Or, daughter, didn’t I tell you?  Don’t be afraid and don’t be discouraged.  I’m right here, and I’ll be with you wherever you go.”  As I looked into her big brown eyes; God was letting me know that He hears my cries and understands my fears.

I had been feeling overwhelmed with all the responsibilities placed on me since my husband’s stroke.  I was overcome with discouragement and fear.  I just didn’t feel adequate as a wife or parent.  As hard as I tried to hold everything together, it appeared as though the ship was going to sink.  The bills were due, the babies needed new shoes, and I was broke.  Running from this appointment to that appointment, making sure everyone was where they needed to be and had all their needs met.  I was exhausted, weary and scared.

God spoke those words to me not in a scolding way, but a loving way.  He let me know that whatever fear or discouragement the devil was trying to whisper to me, He was not  letting me face it alone.  He will always be right by my side.  It doesn’t matter what situation I may be facing, God is with me wherever I go.

Ladies, it doesn’t matter what you are going thru today; God is with you wherever you go.  He knows all about your struggles and fears.  Joshua was about to face unknown territory.  But, God had assured him that He would “never leave him nor forsake him.” Isn’t that comforting?

Just as I heard God’s voice through my daughter that day, you too can hear the calming voice of God assuring you that no matter where you go, He’ll be with you every step of the way.  Listen.  Can you hear Him?

PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, I thank you for understanding and calming my fears.  I have some very difficult decisions to make.  But, I know that I don’t have to make them all alone.  Thank you for giving me the courage and strength to overcome my fears.  I receive encouragement from you right now.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN.

Tye Tribbett singing “Everything will be Alright”


“But the LORD is in His holy temple; the LORD still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth.” Psalm 11:4 (NLT)

Are you in a season of uncertainty? Do you find yourself in need of an infusion of power? Today’s key verse holds the key to the infusion you need. The power is summed up in three simple words:

But the Lord.

“But the Lord” is a powerful phrase. The word “but” is a conjunction and used in this sentence it means “contrary to.” Contrary to what? In the proceeding verses of Psalm 11, David proclaims how he trusts the Lord for his protection. He followed his proclamation with the details of how the wicked are preparing their weapons for attack against him. Then he belts out the transition statement of power: But the Lord.

Maybe you feel like King David. You have been surrounded by the Lord’s protection in the past. You have marveled at His work in your life, however, in this present season of life you feel as if the enemy is stocking his armory against you. It seems Satan spends his days sharpening the arrows and stringing his bow.

Regardless of his current circumstances, David could be assured of two certainties: the Lord is in His Holy Temple and the Lord still rules from heaven. Oh, the peace this must have given King David. God is constant.

This statement of power can infuse you and help you look at your life through a different set of lenses. In the midst of downsizing or divorce, buyouts or payoffs, layoffs or let downs, disappointments and despair, we can count on the same two certainties as the great King David. We can put our faith in the certainty that the Lord is in His Holy Temple and the Lord still rules from heaven. Oh, the peace this can bring to us. Rest in the peace this statement of power offers and don’t look back.

Dear Lord, Your power is indescribable. Forgive me for failing to remember the power that is mine as a child of God. Thank You for remaining constant when life is not. I rest today in the comfort that You are in Your Holy Temple and You still rule from Heaven. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

So, what’s holding you back?

What’s Holding You Back?

So how do you know when something is holding you back?  Here are some signs:

* Despite your passion or desire for something, you do not take steps to attain it.

* Others see more potential in you than you can see for yourself.

* You believe that others have held you back or hindered you in some way.

* You believe in your potential but are afraid to move toward it.

* You feel stuck.

* You are worried about embarrassing yourself.

* You are hiding behind shame or guilt.

* You have given up on certain goals or dreams because of something in your past.

* You allow fear to control your decisions.

* You sidestep issues that need to be addressed in order to avoid conflict or disappointment.

* You have talents you rarely use.

* You think or speak in negative terms about yourself, your abilities and your goals.

* You are waiting on perfect circumstances before you take a step forward.

What have I to FEAR?

Psalm 27 (NIV)

1 The LORD is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?

We can spend a large portion of our lives in fear–afraid to live life to the fullest because of this or that.  Most of what we are afraid of–are simply possibilities.  Things that only “might” happen.

God promised us that He will be our light; guiding the way.  He will be our strength; in our time of weakness.  When we are facing a storm; He will be our strong tower that we can run into and be safe.

There is no need to fear what “might” happen.  God (our Heavenly Father) will never leave us nor forsake us.  We can be confident and rest assured in the arms of our sovereign God.

PRAYER FOCUS:  Heavenly Father, I rest in You.  I will not be afraid of what might happen.  I will trust in Your complete control.  Help me to sense Your presence in my daily life.  I need not be afraid with You in my life.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN.

The Ultimate Price for Love

Isaiah 53:4 (Amplified Bible)

Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment],…”

You have been called out and separated by God.  You were not created to be abused.  You were not created to suffer with depression or anxiety.  You were chosen to fit in the hands of God who has already accepted you.  How you need to know the height and depth of His unfathomable love for you.

Some women have never been secure in the love of their natural fathers, and it affects how they view their Heavenly Father.  There is no doubt about His love for you.  He made the ultimate sacrifice just to prove the genuineness of His love.

You are so valuable that Satan held you for ransom, requiring that your Heavenly Father pay an unimaginable price.  What price would God pay to see you freed?  He sent His Son armed with love and wrapped in flesh.  He showed how much He loved you and  just how valuable you are to Him, by hanging on the cross…beaten beyond recognition, with a crown of thorns on His head.  All just because He loves you!

Never again question His love for you.  You may not understand it, but believe it.  He absolutely loves you.  Not only when you are right, but also when you are wrong.  You are special and full of potential and possibilities.  You are the daughter of a King.  He is the King who spared no expense to pay the ransom that delivered you from all that would have you in bondage.

Be Free…and know that your Heavenly Father loves you more than you will ever be able to comprehend.

PRAYER FOCUS:  Heavenly Father, thank you for the ultimate price you paid for me.  Even when I didn’t deserve it; you sent Your Son to redeem me.  There is no greater expression of love than for one to lay down his life for another.  Thank you for ALL that you have done for me.  Help me to realize Your love for me.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN.

Does The Compass OR The Clock Control Your Life?

The clock and the compass are two incredible instruments.

1. The clock is a complex instrument that measures the passing of time. A clock tells us what time it is.  It tells us the immediate present, but basically that is all it tells us.  It does not predict how much time we have left.  It does not give us time and cannot create time.  It just measures time. 

2.  In our society, the clock is an instrument of stress.  It reminds us of how much time has passed, time that we no longer have.  It cannot predict how much time we have left because it cannot predict interruptions yet to occur.  In our society the clock controls when we get up, how fast we live our lives, how hard we push, how long our day is, how fast we drive, and dictates our schedule as it alters our priorities. “What time is it? ”  is far more likely to be an anxiety question than a curosity question. 

3.  A compass is a very simple instrument that points north.  Its only purpose is to provide direction.  No matter how expensive or inexpensive, no matter how complex or how simple compasses are, they have the same simple purpose–point north.  By always pointing north, the compass enables us to establish a sense of direction.  The compass is an invaluable instrument when we need direction.  It can always help us establish a course, a direction that we can trust even if we don’t know where we are.  Because the compass provides a certainty in times of uncertainty, the compass is an instrument of reassurance and comfort. 

Jesus became the needle of our spiritual compass by never losing His sense of direction.  By always facing and following God. 

Nothing ever deceived Jesus; nothing ever led Jesus off God’s course for Him.  When satan tempted Him person-to-person, Jesus stayed on course.  When the Pharisees challenged and attacked Him, Jesus stayed on course.  When His disciples argued and fussed in ignorance and misunderstanding, Jesus stayed on course.  When one of His best friends betrayed Him,  Jesus stayed on course.  When His disciples deserted Him at His arrest, Jesus stayed on course.  Ehen He was tried , falsely condemned, ridiculed, and abused, Jesus stayed on course.  When He died hanging from a cross, Jesus stayed on course.  Hebrews 4:15 states;  For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in all things as we are…yet without sin. 

He is the needle of our spiritual compass.  As you live life;  if you want to identify with God,  you start with Jesus.  As you struggle in life; if you want direction that will point you to God, you start with Jesus. 

Beware!  Clocks run down and time runs out.  The compass is always there, always steady.  When we meet God, and we will, there will be no clock.  Time will be no more.  But the compass (Jesus) will be there, still pointing to God. 

***Taken from a recent sermon by:  Rev. Edward M. Bailey (Bethel AME Church of Churchtowne, Lancaster PA) 

PRAYER FOCUS:  Jesus, thank you for being the needle of my compass, always pointing the way to God.  When I can’t find my way, You are steady, and always on course.  I want to keep my eyes on the compass (Jesus) and not on the clock.  I need Your direction.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN.