BLACK HISTORY MONTH featuring: Hazel I Jackson


Hazel I Jackson , a native of South Carolina, earned a bachelor’s degree in secondary English education from South Carolina State College and a master’s of education degree from Temple University.  She did post-graduate work at Delaware University.    Prior to moving to Lancaster in 1952, she taught four years in the public schools of South Carolina. 

In 1961, Lancaster Sertoma Club began a mission to help African-Americans who had been deprived of job opportunities to get into their qualified fields.  Every time she applied for a teaching postiion, she had to supply a picture along with the application, so school boards knew she was African-American.   She was rejected 12 times–“not because of her credentials.”  But, she didn’t let that stop her.  It just inspired her to work harder to get a foot in the door as a subsitute teacher.  Eventually, she was hired as an English teacher  for seventh and eighth…

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Does The Compass OR The Clock Control Your Life?

The clock and the compass are two incredible instruments.

1. The clock is a complex instrument that measures the passing of time. A clock tells us what time it is.  It tells us the immediate present, but basically that is all it tells us.  It does not predict how much time we have left.  It does not give us time and cannot create time.  It just measures time. 

2.  In our society, the clock is an instrument of stress.  It reminds us of how much time has passed, time that we no longer have.  It cannot predict how much time we have left because it cannot predict interruptions yet to occur.  In our society the clock controls when we get up, how fast we live our lives, how hard we push, how long our day is, how fast we drive, and dictates our schedule as it alters our priorities. “What time is it? ”  is far more likely to be an anxiety question than a curosity question. 

3.  A compass is a very simple instrument that points north.  Its only purpose is to provide direction.  No matter how expensive or inexpensive, no matter how complex or how simple compasses are, they have the same simple purpose–point north.  By always pointing north, the compass enables us to establish a sense of direction.  The compass is an invaluable instrument when we need direction.  It can always help us establish a course, a direction that we can trust even if we don’t know where we are.  Because the compass provides a certainty in times of uncertainty, the compass is an instrument of reassurance and comfort. 

Jesus became the needle of our spiritual compass by never losing His sense of direction.  By always facing and following God. 

Nothing ever deceived Jesus; nothing ever led Jesus off God’s course for Him.  When satan tempted Him person-to-person, Jesus stayed on course.  When the Pharisees challenged and attacked Him, Jesus stayed on course.  When His disciples argued and fussed in ignorance and misunderstanding, Jesus stayed on course.  When one of His best friends betrayed Him,  Jesus stayed on course.  When His disciples deserted Him at His arrest, Jesus stayed on course.  Ehen He was tried , falsely condemned, ridiculed, and abused, Jesus stayed on course.  When He died hanging from a cross, Jesus stayed on course.  Hebrews 4:15 states;  For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in all things as we are…yet without sin. 

He is the needle of our spiritual compass.  As you live life;  if you want to identify with God,  you start with Jesus.  As you struggle in life; if you want direction that will point you to God, you start with Jesus. 

Beware!  Clocks run down and time runs out.  The compass is always there, always steady.  When we meet God, and we will, there will be no clock.  Time will be no more.  But the compass (Jesus) will be there, still pointing to God. 

***Taken from a recent sermon by:  Rev. Edward M. Bailey (Bethel AME Church of Churchtowne, Lancaster PA) 

PRAYER FOCUS:  Jesus, thank you for being the needle of my compass, always pointing the way to God.  When I can’t find my way, You are steady, and always on course.  I want to keep my eyes on the compass (Jesus) and not on the clock.  I need Your direction.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN. 

If You Need Rest…Come Unto Me

Matthew 11:28-30 (Amplified Bible)

28Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.

    29Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.

    30For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good–not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.


There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day anymore.  The more I try to get done, it seems the more there is to get done.  There are only 24 hours in each day, and a portion of them we have to spend resting.  Most of us probably only average about 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night.  If  you get more than that, consider yourself blessed. 

No doubt about it, we all could use a few more hours in a day.  It’s the “rest” part that I want to focus on today.  Could anyone use more rest?  I know that I could sure benefit from a few more hours of it. 

As I read this passage of scripture, I discovered the reason I am so tired and overburdened, is because I have been removing myself from the yoke that God wants me to bear. Once I remove myself from His yoke, my burdens become difficult.  His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  It also explains why I’m not finding enough time for rest.  Because, He promised that I would find rest, relief, and refreshment for my soul. 

All we need to do, is remain yoked with God. 

PRAYER FOCUS:  Father, It is my desire to remain yoked with You.  Help me to trust You and come unto You when I am weak and weary.  Thank You for giving me rest.  IN JESUS’ NAME,  AMEN. 


P – Pray. Ask God for wisdom. Ask Him to show you His priorities for this season of your life.

R – Review God’s priorities for your life. Study God’s Word to determine His priorities for you as a woman.

I – Take Inventory Examine the activities that consume your time. Keep a time log for a week. Then ask hard questions. What are my true priorities? Are they the right ones?

O – Order your schedule. Ask, “What is important?” Make the hard choices based on God’s priorities for your life.

R – Resist the “tyranny of the urgent.” Don’t let the urgent keep you from focusing on the truly important.

I – Input from others. Seek input, counsel, and accountability from authorities, your husband, godly friends, and mentors.

T – Take advantage of the time God gives you. Don’t waste time. Do all to the glory of God.

I – Identify time robbers. What saps your energy and robs your time? Activities, attitudes, distractions, interruptions?

E – Experience this season fully. Be all there in this season of life. Weep, rejoice, work hard, and celebrate with all your heart. Don’t waste time living in the past or future.

S – Sabbaths. Take regular time outs to refresh, regain perspective, reflect and evaluate, and reprioritize. Make adjustments accordingly.

I hope  this helps ease some stress in your life and helps you make time for what’s truly important.


   Proverbs 31:10 (AMP)

 10A capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman–who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls.


It’s taken me awhile to post in reference to the “Chris Brown and Rihanna” incident. Domestic Violence is not going away anytime soon.  In fact, it’s probably going to get worse before it gets better. I say this with all humility and deep regret.  I truly want to believe that someday things will get better, that men will get the help they need and we can put this demon to rest. It’s the same old story.  Man becomes angry; man beats woman; man begs for forgiveness; woman goes back to man; man becomes angry, again; man kills woman; the end of woman.  Pathetic. 

 But, unfortunately, I have to face the truth.   It is no secret that what negatively effects men will result in violence against women.  The country is in a state of economic upset.  When men are scared, disappointed, angry, embarrassed, rejected, and in pain; it ultimately leads to violence against women and children…”the weaker vessel.”  What will it take in this country for us to wake up and stop the madness?


Since we are unable to change any man, our only recourse is to change the way we allow ourselves to be treated by a man. It’s a given– as long as men are protected and escape consequences of their actions; things will stay the same. We may as well face it.  Ladies, we have to change the way WE allow ourselves to be treated.  When a man doesn’t see the VALUE in me; he is not worth my time or thought.  Every time a man abuses a woman; he DEVALUES her.  To him you are no better than the gum on the bottom of his shoe.  In fact, they often use their shoes to stomp all over you.  You must “know your worth.”


Firstly: according to Genesis 1:27-28, we were created in the image of God.  What could be more valuable than that?  Secondly:  Psalms 139:14 states, we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God took special care in creating us.  We are more valuable than rubies (Proverbs 31:10) He instructed the man to provide and protect everything that He created.  Especially, the woman that was made to complete him.  She was designed to fulfill a specific purpose. 


Daughter of God, know that you are valuable beyond any price that could ever be offered.  The only way we are ever going to achieve Domestic Peace is to stop allowing ourselves to be victims of Domestic Violence.  Pay attention to the warning signs and get out as fast as you can.  Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, however, in most cases; there are early signs of behavior indicating possible violent tendencies. There is a list of warning signs posted on this site.   Title: Why do abusers succeed?  BE CAREFUL. 


PRAYER FOCUS:      Heavenly Father.  I lift up every woman living with violence to You right now.  Protect her from physical abuse.  Give her the courage to walk away from any one that doesn’t value her as You do.  IN JESUS’ NAME, AMEN.